transformer Archive
What are technical losses

Technical Losses Technical losses in power system are caused by the physical properties of the components of the power system. The most obvious example is the power dissipated in transmission lines and transformers due to internal electrical
What are losses in the transformer

Losses in transformer An ideal transformer has no energy losses i.e zero losses and 100% efficient. but in real (In practical) transformers, energy is dissipated in the windings, core, and surrounding structures. Larger transformers are generally more
What is dry type transformer

Dry type transformer as its name dry type means it does not require oil or any other liquid to cool the electrical core and coils. The purpose is served by normal air ventilation. In India, dry type
Advantages and disadvantages of an amorphous metal transformer

Advantages of amorphous metal in the transformer Less no-load losses: No load losses are 20 to 30% less as compared to a conventional silicon steel sheet transformer which keeps occurring for the lifetime despite transformer load. Easy
Working principle of transformer

Electrical power transformer is a static device which transforms electrical energy from one circuit to another without any direct electrical connection and with the help of mutual induction between two windings. It transforms power from one circuit
Advantages and disadvantages of solid state transformer

Smart solid state transformers are far more effective devices with a number of advantages. The first and most important one is that they are energy efficient. This means that they can deliver much more power through similar
What is solid state transformer

The conventional transformers had some disadvantages as well. The major among those disadvantages is power loss in the form of heat, especially during the summers. Also the cooper gets worn out with time and there are hysteresis
Construction and working of RVDT (Rotary variable differential transformer)

The RVDT stand for rotary variable differential transformer is used to sense the angular displacement. It is similar to LVDT except that its core is in cam shaped and moves between the windings by means of shaft.
Applications of transformer coupled amplifiers

There are some important applications of transformer coupled amplifier which are given below. The transformer coupled amplifier is commonly used for amplification of RF (radio frequency) signal. It is mostly used for impedance matching between the individual