resistors Archive
Resistor in series

Resistors are said to be connected in series, when they are daisy chained together in a single line. The current in a series circuit goes through every component in the circuit. Therefore, all of the components in a
Resistor in parallel

Resistors are said to be connected together in parallel when both of their terminals are respectively connected to each terminal of the other resistor or resistors. In a parallel circuit, each device is placed in its own
Difference between carbon composition resistor and wire wound resistor

The difference between carbon composition resistor and wire wound resistor Carbon composition resistor Wire wound resistor Its power rating is from ¼ W to 2W. Its power rating is from 1W to 200W. It can be used
Construction of wire wound resistor

The construction of a wire wound resistor is shown in above figure. It uses a resistance wire, such as nichrome. The wire wound resistor is manufactured by winding a length of resistive wire such as nichrome on
Construction of carbon composition resistors

The carbon composition resistor is a type of fixed resistor that reduces or restricts the electric current flow to a certain level. The basic construction of carbon composition resistor is shown in above figure. The resistive material
Application of carbon composition resistor

There are some important applications of carbon composition resistor are given below, The carbon composition resistor is used in DC power supplies. It is used in the power control circuits. It is used in high frequency applications.
Application of resistor

There are some important applications of resistors are as given below: Resistors are used in high frequency instrument. Resistor is used in power control circuit. It is used in DC power supplies. Resistors are used in filter
Thermistor or Time dependent resistor (TDR)

The word thermistor is a contraction of the term thermal resistor. Thermistor is also known as temperature sensitive resistor or temperature dependent resistor (TDR). It is a type of resistor whose resistance is dependent on temperature. Thermistor
Colour band table of resistor

Following table is commonly used for all colour band of resistor Sr. No Colour 1st Band 2nd Band 3rd Band Tolerance 1 Black 0 0 100 – 2 Brown 1 1 101 – 3 Red 2 2

Resistor is an electrical component, which has been manufactured with a specified amount of a resistance. A passive component which offers opposition to the flow of current is called as resistor. Why resistors are called passive device