power supply Archive
Block diagram of regulated DC power supply

A fluctuating DC voltage may result in an erratic operation of electronic devices and circuits. In order to avoid poor voltage regulation due to fluctuation in DC voltage, it is necessary to use a voltage regulator circuit
Types of UPS (unregulated power supply)

There are two types of unregulated power supply (UPS) are given below; OFF line UPS. ON line UPS. OFF line UPS: The OFF line unregulated power supply (UPS) is also known as standby power supply (SPS). In
Block diagram of programmable logic controller (PLC)

The block diagram of programming logic controller (PLC) is shown in above figure. The PLC has following basic sections are, Processor section (CPU) The processor section is brain of PLC which consists of RAM, ROM, logic solver
Classification of amplifiers

The amplifiers are may be classified as under, According to input signal Small signal amplifier. Large signal amplifier. According to coupling methods Inductance coupled (LC) amplifier. Resistance capacitance (RC) coupled amplifier. Transformer coupled (LC) coupled amplifier. Direct
How amplifier is work?

Amplifier is an electronic circuit which produces a large electrical output of similar characteristic that of the input parameters. Amplifier is an electronic device which increases the power of a signal. Amplifier takes the power from a
Application of switch mode power supply (SMPS)

There are some application of switch mode power supply (SMPS) are, The switch mode power supply (SMPS) is used in personal computers. It is used in machine tool industries. The SMPS is used in security system. It
Advantages & disadvantages of switch mode power supply (SMPS)

Following are the advantages of switch mode power supply (SMPS) are, The switch mode power supply has a smaller in size. The SMPS has light weight. It has a better power efficiency typically 60 to 70 percent.
RADAR System

RADAR is stands for Radio Detection And Ranging. RADAR system operates in microwave frequencies range. In RADAR system high frequency and high power sinusoidal signals is transmitted. If there is any target then the reflected signals is
Following are the difference between waveguide and transmission line

Waveguide Transmission Line The waveguide is a hollow metallic structure through which electric and magnetic fields are transmitted. The transmission line is a conductor which is used to carry electrical signal over a long range. It has