Microprocessor Archive
Advantages and disadvantages of microprocessor

There are some advantages of microprocessor are given below, Microprocessor is that these are general purpose electronic processing devices which can be programmed to execute a number of tasks. Microprocessor is its speed, which is measured in
Difference between microprocessor and microcontroller

The difference between microprocessor and microcontroller is given below, Microprocessor Microcontroller The Von-Neumann architecture is used in microprocessor. The Harvard architecture is used in microcontrollers. It does not have inbuilt memory RAM and ROM. It has inbuilt
What is a microprocessor?

A microprocessor is a Computer processor computer processor which slot in the functions of a computer’s central processing unit (CPU) on a single Integrated circuit integrated circuit (IC). A microprocessor, sometimes called a logic chip. The first microprocessor was the intel 4004, introduced in
Applications of microprocessor

There are some important applications of microprocessor are given below, The microprocessor is used in personal computers (PCs). The microprocessor is used in LASER printers for good speed and making automatic photo copies. The microprocessors are used