energy Archive
Advantages and disadvantages of solar energy plant

Solar energy plant A photovoltaic cell is the basic that converts solar radiation into electricity PY cell can be either circular in construction or square. Cells are arranged in a frame to a module, modules put together
What is wind power plant

Wind power plant the wind energy is one of the most effective renewable power and relevant technologies for its conversion in form. a wind energy conversion system is a structure that transforms the kinetic energy of the
What is energy conservation equipment?

Energy conservation means a reduction in energy usage of an energy service. Devices which load a significant amount of energy saving by reducing the usage on their installation in the system can be termed as energy conservation
What is cogeneration system?

A cogeneration system is a single, integrated system in which many forms of useful energy are simultaneously generated mostly electrical and thermal using single sources of fuel. A cogeneration system is also called as combined heat and
Objectives of tariff system

There are objectives in tariff system as: Equal distribution of cost : The most important objectives of the tariff are the fairly equal distribution of the cost of energy supply to different classes of users. Charges to
Classification of energy sources

Classification of energy sources can be as given below : Types of energy source Description Example Primary energy sources These are the sources which can be directly founds in nature or stored in nature and can be
What is energy conservation

Energy conservation simply means to reduce the growth of energy consumption by avoiding unnecessary usage of energy. Conserving energy helps the planet and saves money—so why don’t more people make the effort to do it? Maybe they
What is generation of electrical energy?

Generation of electrical energy : The conversion of energy available in different forms in different form in nature into electrical energy is known as generation of electrical energy. Energy is available in various form different natural sources