Building Archive
Important of various types of loads on a building structure

The types of loads acting on structures for buildings Dead load Live load Wind load Earthquake load Dead load (D.L) It is defined as the force whose magnitude, positions and direction remain constant. It is the load
Function of building foundation

The function of building a foundation The low artificially built part of a structure which transmits the load of the structure to the ground is called foundation. Foundation of a structure is always constructed below the ground
What is the necessity of building bye laws

Building bye-laws consist of certain rules and regulation framed by a municipal or town planning or urban development board to control the development of area under its jurisdiction. The aim of framing the bye-laws is to ensure
What is meant by building bye laws

Building bye-laws consist of certain rules and regulations formed by a municipal or town planning area under its jurisdictions. The aim of framing the bye-laws is to ensure the provision of reasonable minimum requirement and standard (based
Orientation of building

The orientation of the building is the term used to define the setting or fixing the direction of the layout plan of building respect to the direction of north. The orientation of building refers to the direction
What are the types of building

There are buildings are classified into nine groups based as follows: Group A: Residential buildings Group B: Education buildings Group C: Institutional buildings Group D: Assembly buildings Group E: Business buildings Group F: Mercantile buildings Group G:
What is the building

A building is defined as any structure for that so ever purpose and of what so ever materials constructed and every part thereof whether used as human habitation or not and includes foundations, plinth, walls, floors, roofs,