Bluetooth Archive
Difference between Bluetooth and Wi Fi

Following are the difference between difference between Bluetooth and Wi Fi Bluetooth Wi Fi The Bluetooth was invented by Ericsson and launched in 1994. The Wi Fi was invented by Victor Hayes and launched in 1997. The
Difference between IrDA and Bluetooth

Following are the difference between IrDA and bluetooth IrDA Bluetooth Infrared light as communication media. Radio frequency of 2.4 GHz is used as communication. It has max data rates is 4Mb per second. It has max data
Applications of Bluetooth

There are some important application of Bluetooth which are given below, The Bluetooth is used in wireless head sets. Bluetooth is used to transfer files, images and MP3 or MP4 between cell phones. It is used in
Advantages and disadvantages of Bluetooth

There are some important advantages of Bluetooth are given below, It avoids interference from other wireless devices. It has lower power consumption. It is easily upgradeable. It has range better than Infrared communication. The Bluetooth is used