What is Potential energy (with example)

Energy is the capacity to do work. Energy is a scalar quantity. Unit of measurement of energy is Jole, same as that of work. Potential energy: The energy possessed by a body due to its position is
Basic Electrical Theorems and Circuits Analysis Laws
Law Definition Relationship Ohm’s Law modified for AC circuits with sinusoidal signals U’=ZxI’, where U’ & I’ -voltage and current phasors, Z-complex impedance (u=Rxi) Lorentz force law, Faraday’s law and Drude model Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL) The
Block diagram of op-amp IC 741

Input Stage The input stage is a Dual input balanced output differential amplifier. The two amplifiers are applied at inverting or non inverting terminals. This stage provides most of voltage gain of the op-amp and decides input
Application of IC 741

IC 741 is used in Amplifier. It is used in active filter. It is used in Arithmetic circuit. IC 741 is used in log and antilog amplifier. It is used in voltage comparator. It is used in
Pin diagram of IC 741

IC 741 Operational Amplifier (Op-amp) The operation amplifier (Op-amp) is basically voltage amplifier with extremely high voltage gain. Pin Diagram Symbol of IC 741 The Op–amp IC 741 has two input terminal, one output terminal and two
Advantages of rotating field and stationary armature system
In this case of high voltage generation, the instruction problem is server. If the armature is rotating, this is due to centrifugal states develop in the body due to the rotation. But if the armature is the
Working principle of Alternator
The work on the principle of Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction whenever the conductor cuts the magnetic flux and emf in induced in it. This emf is dimensionally induced emf. The direction of emf is found by
Double Cage Induction Motor

In case of 3Ø squirrel cage motor has low starting torque. This is due to the low Rotor Resistance. Then, the starting torque with increase but at the same time their will be more copper loss and
How does a transformer work

Ideal Transformer Idea transformer is nothing but a transformer which has 100% efficiency. In this transformer there are two purely inductive coils. So this is no iron loss, no copper loss, as well as there is no
Difference between Ideal transformer and practical transformer

Concept of Ideal Transformer Idea transformer is nothing but a transformer which has 100% efficiency. In this transformer there are two purely inductive coils. So this is no iron loss, no copper loss, as well as there