Synchro-phasor Technology to improve power system

By Satish Mohanram, Technical Marketing Manager, NI India Power system disturbances can be the result of various system events, transmission congestions, and fluctuations in renewable energy sources. In order to make the Grid smarter a better understanding of

Server Memory Architectures – Explained

This ability of computing is not only limited to the high performance environments but also in the normal desktop environments where the use of multiple processors has become synonymous to a ‘normal’ configuration. As this demand for

Formative Performance of LED Systems

An LED driver is an electrical device that regulates the power to an LED as its electrical properties change with temperature. A key characteristic of any constant current LED driver is its efficiency. Efficiency gives us the

Difference between woolen and worsted yarn

Woolen Yarn Wrosted Yarn It is spun from short wool fibers of 1” to 3”. It is spun from long wool fibers longer than 3”. Woolen yarn diameter is medium or coarse. Wrosted Yarn has fine diameter.

Power Electronics In Automotive Applications

Over the last few decades, electrical loads in an automotive system have evolved from lighting and battery charging towards infotainment, sensors and safety, thanks to component miniaturization. This has made the car smarter and more fun to

LED Lighting comes with 16 million color

ADATA® Technology, a leading manufacturer of high-performance DRAM modules, NAND Flash products and LED lighting products launches its AURA RGB interior lighting bulb. The AURA RGB bulb displays over 16 million different colors and up to 64

Difference between watts and volt amperes

Difference Watts Valt-amperes Abbreviation W VA Calculation For dc: Vdc X Idc For dc: Vdc X Idc Instrument need for measurement Wattmeter (a typical multimeter cannot measure watts unless the V and I are both dc) Typical

Dangers of Solar Storms

By Dr.S.S.Verma, Department of Physics, S.L.I.E.T., Longowal, Distt.-Sangrur (Punjab)-148 106 Sun is the primary driver of life on Earth and is equated like a GOD in mythologies all over the world. The Sun is always active. It

Stretchable substrates and Elastomeric materials

By Dr. S. S. VERMA, Department of Physics, S.L.I.E.T., Longowal, Distt.-Sangrur (Punjab)-148 106  E-mail: Electronic components historically have been flat and unbendable because silicon, the principal component of all electronics, is brittle and inflexible. Any significant bending

Moisture Content and Moisture Regain

Moisture Content and Moisture Regain What is Humidity? Humidity is a term used to describe the amount of moisture present in the atmosphere. This can be described in terms of Absolute Humidity or Relative Humidity. Absolute Humidity: