How to Test Instruments in your Lab

Learn here how to use some common test instruments in your research laboratory. The common type of instruments we are using in our lab are oscilloscope, digital multimeter, frequency counter, function generator, LCR meter, and power supplies. Oscilloscope
Gasohol and Diesohol
Gasohol Diesohol Gasohol is a liquid fuel containing 90% petrol and 10% ethanol. Diesohol is liquid fuel containing 84.5% diesel oil, 15% hydrated ethanol and 0.5% emulsifier. Its octane number is 95. Its cetane number is about
Conventional vs Non-conventional energy source

Conventional energy source Non-conventional energy source These are conveniently used everywhere for many purpose. These are not convenient to use everywhere due to some problems. These may be non-renewable sources. These are renewable sources energy. Its use
Cement hydration process
Introduction Portland cement is a hydraulic cement, hence it derives its strength from chemical reactions between the cement and water. The process is known as hydration. Cement consists of the following major (see compounds composition of cement):
Constitutional compounds of portland cement
The properties of cement depend upon the relative proportion of the constitutional compounds present and each of them has different characteristics. When cement comes in contact with water, its constitutional compounds undergo hydration at different rate. Tricalcium
Properties and advantages of Biodiesel

Properties of biodiesel It is free from S and aromatic compounds. It is biodegradable and it is nontoxic. Its cetane number ranges from 45 to 63 depending on the type of vegetable oil used for preparation. Its
Role of inhibitors in petrol and diesel oil

Following are the role of inhibitors in petrol as well as diesel oil – When gasoline or diesel oil is stored for long time in storage tank, it may undergo slow oxidation causing gum formation which is
Difference between petrol and diesel oil

Following are the differences between petrol and diesel: Petrol Diesel oil Knocking in petrol engine is due to the sudden spontaneous combustion of petrol before sparking of spark plug. Knocking in diesel engine is due to delay
Modes of Heat transfer

Heat is defined as the energy transfer without transfer of mass across the boundary of the system due to the temperature difference between the system and surrounding. The Process of heat flow from a higher temperature body
Plasma electronics display technology

Dr. S. S. VERMA, Department of Physics, S.L.I.E.T., Longowal, Distt.-Sangrur (Punjab)-148106 Electronics in one or the other form of its applications, at one hand is growing to reach each and every person and on the other hand