What is a semiconductor? The semiconductors are the type of material which electrical property lies between conductor and insulator. Semiconductors act like insulator at very low temperature, as the temperature increases conduction of semiconductor increases. Semiconductors in
Unijunction Transistor (UJT)

Electronic devices are mainly used in switching. BJT acts as a switch and is very simplest method but it has low efficiency and many faults. Therefore UJT and SCR are more useful in electronic circuit for switching

A transformer is a magnetic component or an electric component which transforms electrical a.c. power from one circuit to another circuit without changing the frequency. It works on principle of mutual inductance. Transformers are capable to of
Comparison between analog multimeters and digital multimeters
Analog multimeters Digital multimeters The analog multimeters provide measurement in analog form. The digital multimeters provide measurement in digital form. Power supply is not required in analog multimeters. Power supply is required in digital multimeters. The output
Application of capacitor
The capacitor used for storage of energy. It is used in filter circuits to minimize the ripple voltage. Capacitors are used to run the motor. Bypass the high frequency signals. Used in tank circuits in electronic oscillators.

What is an Inductor? A passive component which has the ability to store the magnetic field is called “inductor”. Inductor has property to pass D.C and oppose A.C. Inductor is nothing more than a coil of a
Comparison between analog voltmeter and digital voltmeter
Analog voltmeter Digital voltmeter In analog voltmeter the output signal representation is done by using potentiometric deflection. In digital voltmeter the output signal is represented in the digital form. The different type are: Average reading True rms
Photodiode is operated in reverse bias
Why photodiode is operated in reverse bias? n the absence of light, the dark current flowing through the diode is of the order of few mA. In the presence of light, the photocurrent flowing through the photodiode

Resistor is an electrical component, which has been manufactured with a specified amount of a resistance. A passive component which offers opposition to the flow of current is called as resistor. Why resistors are called passive device
Difference between Voltage amplifier and Power Amplifier
Voltage Amplifier Power Amplifier In voltage amplifier the amplitude of input A.C signal is small. In power amplifier the amplitude of input A.C signal is large. In voltage amplifier the collector current is low, about 1 mA.