There are some advantages of gate turn OFF thyristor (GTO) are given below, The gate turn OFF thyristor (GTO) has more di/dt ratings at turn ON. It has faster turn OFF permitting high switching frequencies. The communication
The TRIAC stands for triode for alternating current. It is another thyristor family device which is used extensively for the control of power in A.C. circuits. The TRIAC is bidirectional device and when in operation, it is
There are some advantages of TRIAC which are given below, The TRIAC need single fuse for protection. It can be triggered with positive or negative polarities of gate pulses. A safe breakdown in either direction is possible
Following are main difference between SCR (Silicon controlled rectifier)and TRIAC (Triode for alternating current) : SCR TRIAC SCR stands for silicon controlled rectifier. TRIAC stands for triode for alternating current. The SCR is unidirectional device. The TRIAC is
Constructional detail : The basic construction of LASCR (light activated silicon controlled rectifier) is shown in above fig. LASCR is a semiconductor opto electronic switch which has a lens that focuses light on its gate. It is
There are some important applications of silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) which are given below, The silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) is used in AC voltage stabilizers. The silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) is used as switch. It is used
There is the difference between time domain and frequency domain are given below, Time domain Frequency domain The advantage is that, they are relatively fast and requires less memory than inverting the Helmholtz operator. The advantage is
The basic construction of silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) is shown in above fig. It is made up of silicon and its operation as a rectifier can be controlled, hence the name given as silicon controlled rectifier. The
The ramp type DVM (digital voltmeter) uses a linear ramp or staircase ramp technique. The staircase ramp technique is a simpler version of linear ramp technique. The block diagram of ramp type DVM is shown in above
There are some advantages of silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) which are given below, The silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) can handle large voltage , current and power. It can be protected with the help of fuse. It is