What is a variable frequency drive?

In some motor driven systems, the load varies with time. A Large amount of energy can be saved using a variable frequency drive(VFD). VFDs belongs to a group of equipment called adjustable speed drives or variable speed drives.
What is smooth starter ?

Smooth stating by torque control for a gradual acceleration of the drive system thus preventing jerks and extending the life of mechanical components. Reductions in staring current to achieve break-away, and to hold back the current during
Gas turbine cogeneration system
Works on the principal of bray ton cycle of thermodynamics. Capacity ranges between 500KW to 25MW. In bray ton cycle, atmospheric air is compressed and mixed with fuel in a combustion chamber where the combustion occurs. Expansion
What is extraction condensing steam turbine

Steam can be obtained at each stage of the multi-stage turbine. Extracted steam can be used to meet the demand of process consumer at an intermediate pressure and left over to the condenser. At condenser, steam is
Bottoming cycle type of cogeneration
In the bottoming cycle, cogeneration system fuel is burnt mainly to produce useful heat, unlike the previous system. Then rejected heat in this process is recovered by heat recovery boiler and associated turbine generator to generate electrical
Topping cycle
In a topping cycle, utilization of fuel burnt is mainly for the productions of electricity and excess thermal energy is recovered. Heat energy is generated as a byproduct of the cycle, which is used to attain the
What is P.F tariff ?
As its names suggest, in this tariff, the power factor of the consumer load is taken into account while charging the consumer for this electricity use. Low power factor is in an indication of inefficient use of
What is TOD tariff?
Consumption varies throughout the day (and/or season) so usage pattern varies accordingly and hence demand. In certain timing of the day, electricity demand attains its peak. Normally Indian utility experiences morning peak and evening peak. The demand-supply
Energy audit schemes
Big industries and utilities should be mandated to carry out an energy audit as its identifier the areas of losses and measures to reduce. Incentives should be awarded to utilities as well as consumers who are being
Bill collection facility
A number of payment cells for paying electricity bill should be increased with the development of the areas. Increase in dropbox facilities is also an option for payment collections. E-Payments facility: Options for E-payment are suitable for