What is compensating winding

This winding is used for large DC machines to reduce the fluctuations in load. Like in case of turbogenerator and rolling mill motors. Their functions are to neutralize the cross magnetizing effect of armature reaction. This compensating
Difference between lap winding and wave winding

Lap Winding Wave Winding Lap winding is suitable for low voltage and high current generator. Wave winding is suitable for high voltage but a low current generator. No. of parallel path the armature= mp(where m is a
Uses of steel

Mild steel is used as distribution steel in R.C.C. members. Mild steel is used as rolled structure section like I section, T section, channel section, angle, plates and square rods in construction work. Plain and corrugated sheets
Properties of good sand

The grains should be sharp, angular and coarse. The sand should be free from clay material and organic matters. The grains should be of durable minerals. It should be free from salts. The gradation of grains size
Uses of standard section
Angle sections Angle section may be of equal legs or unequal legs. They are used in bridges trusses and general structural steelwork. Chanel section These are used for columns, trusses, roof purlins, composite beams, and girders. I-sections
What are structural glazing?

Nowadays in structural glazing; the glass cladding works is preferably adopted in building construction since it fulfills the variations functional requirements of building such as lighting heat retention etc. with visual impact creation. Structural glazing systems, in
Application of different types of DC generator
Types of DC generator Application of DC generator Separately excited generator It is used for electroplating and booster. It can be used for lighting and power purpose with field regulator. Self-excited generator (Shunt) It is used for
Explain the difference between generator and motor

Following are the difference between generator and motor Generator Motor It converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. It converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. It is based on the principle of dynamically. It is based on the
What is framed structure

In the frame, structure load is transferred through a frame of the slab, beam, column, and footing to the underlying soil. All the loads on the floor, as well as those of walls, are supported by beams.
What is composite structure?

It is the combination of load bearing and framed structured so that advantages of both types can be enjoyed. In this type, external walls are load bearing type and internal supports are in the form of a