Cause of traffic accidents

The following are cause of accidents on roads Deficiency in roads i.e. improper geometrical design, poor alignment, blind intersections, in adequate traffic control devices etc. Defective vehicles i.e. faulty brakes, poor lights faulty steering etc. Violation of
Advantages and disadvantages of traffic control signals on road
Advantages of traffic control signals on the road Traffic control signals provide for an orderly movement of traffic. They help in reducing the frequency of an accident of some special nature i.e. of right angles accidents. They
What is a failure of shunt generator to build up?
Causes of failure of voltage build-up or armature heating: No residual magnetism Without any residual magnetism, voltage build-up cannot start. Due to again in transportation, the machine may lose residual magnetism. This difficulty can be overcome by
Classifications of traffic sign
Traffic signs The device in the form symbol and inscriptions mounted on a fixed or portable support provided on roads to give information, warning or guidance to the road users are as traffic signs. The object of
Types of pavement

Flexible pavement The earthen, gravel, water bound macadam and bituminous roads are also known as flexible pavement because the surface takes the shape of sub-surface soil. Rigid pavements Cement concrete roads are also known as pavements because
Transportation in national development
Transportation means the movements of the people and material from one place to transportation engineering is the branch of civil engineering which deals with the study, design and construction of roads, railway, bridges, tunnels, waterways, seaways and
How are the roads classified?
Classification according to location and function National high-ways [N.H] State high –ways[S.H] Major district roads[M.D.R] Other distract roads Village roads [V.R] National high – ways They run through the length and breadth of the country. They connect
Modes of transportation

Different modes of transportation are Roadways Railways Waterways Airways Seaways Special ways Roadways For the proper interior development of the different area of a nation or country an efficient well-planned network of roads connecting to all cities,
Difference between flexible pavements and rigid pavements

Following are the difference between flexible pavements and rigid pavements such as : Flexible pavement Rigid pavement The earthen, gravel, water bound macadam and bituminous roads are known as flexible pavement. Cement concrete roads are known as
Effect of variation of rotor resistance
Rotor resistance can be changed in case of wound rotor induction motor with help of external resistances connected and to brushes through slip rings provided a supply voltage and load remains constant. The starting torque hence speeds