How the rainwater is collected for direct use
The rainwater collection for direct use is practised by collection the water coming down from the roof into a storage tank of plastic, R.C.C. or masonry. The tank can be placed either above the ground or below
Watershed management

The watershed management can be defined as. It is the management of the surface runoff either by tapping the surface water on the surface or [land] by allowing the surface water to percolate to recharge the groundwater
Useful heat value
The gradation of non-coking coal is based on useful heat value (UHV). The classifications are divided into seven grades from A-G. UHV is expressed in kcal/kg. UHV of grade –A non- coking coal is maximum (> 6200
What is bio-diesel?

Biodiesel is non-petroleum diesel fuel consisting of monoalkyl (methyl, ethyl or propels) esters of long-chain alkyl esters, made by trans – etherification of vegetable oil or animal fat (tallow), which can be used (alone or blended with
Difference between proximate analysis and ultimate analysis
The distinction between proximate and ultimate analysis of coal are as follows : Proximate analysis Ultimate analysis Proximate analysis of coal is an assay of the quantity of the coal. The ultimate analysis is the element analysis
What is the role of canals?

A canal is an excavated path or a trench through which the from the reservoir flows to the cultivated lands by gravity. While fixing the alignment of the canal, it should be taken along the ridgeline so
What is meant by spillway?
Spillway The spillway is a masonry overflow portion for every dam. The top of the spillway, known as a crest, is at F.R.L. [full reservoir level-water in the reservoir is stared up to a level known as
What do you mean liming of canals

Lining of canals Lining means providing a thin covering of 2.5 to 15 cm. thickness to the bed and sides of the canal. The material used for lining are bricks, stones precast concrete block, reinforced cement concrete,
What are the types of dams
The various types of dams are as follows Earthen Dams Rockfill Dams Gravity Dams Hollow masonry gravity dams Arch Dams Steel dams Timber dams Earthen Dam The earthen dam has been constructed for long time part. They
State the different types of weir
The weirs may be divided into following three classes Masonry weirs with a vertical drop Rockfill weirs with sloping aprons Concrete weir with sloping downstream glacis Masonry weirs with a vertical drop The weir consists of a