Chemical constitution of fuel
Internal combustion (as in compression ignition engine). The fuel-air mixture is ignited in the cylinder either by an electric spark (as in ignition engine) or by compressing air (as in compression ignition engine). The gas formed pushes
How are propellants classified ?
The propellants are classified depending on their physical into solid and liquid propellants Solid propellants are classified as homogeneous and heterogeneous propellants homogeneous solid propellant is solid propellant or mixture of solid propellants thoroughly mixed in a
Explain fractional distillation of crude petroleum oil
The purification of oil is carried out in the following three steps- Demulsification Crude oil is a stable emulsion of oil in water and water in oil types. The emulsion is stabilized by emulsifying agents. Oil in
How is propulsion classified?
The term propulsion is derived from two Latin words: pro meaning before or forward and pellere meaning to drive. Propulsion is a means of means of creating force leading to forward movement. The principal of rocket propulsion
Ocean thermal energy
In oceans, a temperature difference of 200 C exists between deep cold water and surface warm water. The warm surface heats and vaporizes low billing liquid like ammonia (NH3) or 1,1,1,2 tetras luoroethane ( R-134a) The increased
Advantages and disadvantages of tidal energy
Advantages of tidal energy It is pollution free. It greenhouse rate greenhouse gases or solid wastes. It is inexhaustible and independent of rain. Tides are more predictable than wind. It a does not require a large area
Tidal energy
Tides are periodical rise and fall of sea water level. It is caused due to the gravitational pull of sun and moon and the rotation of the earth. During high (flood tide), the water level increase with
Advantages and disadvantages of wind energy
Advantages of wind energy It is a renewable source of energy. It is non –polluting hence does not give rise to greenhouse gas or solid wastes. It has low running cost. It is useful to supply electric
What is wind energy
The flow of wind depends on different heating and cooling rates of land and water. The kinetic energy of the wind is converted into mechanical energy that can be used to perform useful work or power generation.
What are green buildings?
Now a day’s construction industries require more and more energy sources. According to a survey of India due to constructional activities, the pollutant like carbon dioxide increase about 17% and it affect global warming. Gree building or