What is compression ratio?
The ratio of the volume of gas at the end of the suction stroke to the volume of gas at the end of the compression stroke is known as the compression ratio. The power output and engine
Explain knocking in diesel
In a diesel engine, if the combustion rate of air diesel mixture initiated due to compression of air becomes very slow then a large amount of fuel collected in the cylinder. This accumulated fuel burns violently and
How petrol and diesel engine works?
The petrol engine is spark engine. The working cycle has four strokes as Intake/suction stroke: A fuel (petrol) vapours and the mixture is drawn in the cylinder of the IC engine during the suction stock. Petrol (boiling
Differentiate between cetane number and octane number
The differences between cetane number and octane number are as follows : Cetane number Octane number Cetane number of a given diesel under test is defined as the percentage by volume of cetane in mixture of cetane
What is geothermal energy?

Heat present in the earth due to molten rock (in volcanic regions) nearer to the earth surface Is used to generated electricity is known as geothermal energy. Heat is tapped from hot rocks by natural or forced
Different between solid and liquid propellants
The difference between solid and liquid propellants are as follows Solid propellants Liquid propellants Solid propellants have low specific impulse Liquid propellants have high specific impulse Storage, handling and transport are comparatively easy. storage, handling and transport
Why crude petroleum is to be fractionated?
Crude petroleum oil is a mixture of various solid, liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons.thesehydrocarbon are valuable and have unique uses. Each fraction differs in molecular weight and boiling point range. So, to recover these fractions crude oil is
What is rocket propellant?
Rocket propellants are high oxygen-containing fuel or mixture of fuel and oxidant which burn in define and controlled manner to produce a large volume of gas. In other words, the propellant is a chemical is used to
Characteristics of good propellant
The characteristics of good propellant are as follows- It should have specific impulse (thrust delivered divide by the rate of propellant burnt). It should produce low molecular weight. Non-toxic gases products (CO, CO2, N2) only on combustion.
What are liquid fuels
Liquid fuels easy to handle, store and transport. They occupy less space. The combustion is cleaner and has higher colourific value than solid fuels. However, they are more expensive. They produce unpleasant smell if the combustion is