PN junction diode |
The LED emits light. |
The PN junction diode cannot emit light. |
The LED uses GaAs, GaAsP or GaP material. |
The PN junction diode silicon or germanium material. |
In LED all energy converted into a light |
In PN junction diode all energy converted into a heat. |
It’s on state voltage ranges between 1.2 V to 2.0 V. |
Its on-state voltage drop is 0.7 V for silicon diode and 0.3 V for germanium diode. |
It has very low value of reverse breakdown voltage. |
It has high value of reverse breakdown voltage. |
It is used as a light source in fiber optics, as an indicator in 7 segment displays etc. |
It is used in rectifiers, clippers, clamping, voltage multipliers etc. |