Electronics Articles Archive
There are some advantages of bipolar junction transistor (BJT) are as given below, The bipolar junction transistor (BJT) has a large gain bandwidth. The BJT shows better performance at high frequency. The BJT has a better voltage
There are some applications of tunnel diode are given below, The tunnel diode is used as logic memory storage device. The tunnel diode is used in relaxation oscillator circuits. It is used as an ultra high speed
There are some application of bipolar junction transistor (BJT) are given below, The bipolar junction transistor (BJT) is used in logic circuits. The BJT is used as an oscillator. It is used as an amplifier. It is
Intrinsic semiconductor Extrinsic semiconductor The intrinsic semiconductor is extremely pure semiconductor. The extrinsic semiconductor is impure semiconductor. Electrical conductivity of intrinsic semiconductors is poor. The electrical conductivity of extrinsic semiconductor is large. The number of electron and
The difference between iron core and ferrite core inductors Iron core inductor Ferrite core inductor The iron core inductors used in filter circuit and AF application. Ferrite core inductors used at high and medium frequencies and also
The variable inductor having an adjustable ferrite core is known as slug tuned inductor. The value of inductance increases or decreases respectively, due to the movement of a ferrite core into or out of the coil winding.
There are some applications of ferrite core inductors are given below, The ferrite core inductor is used in coils to be operated in the frequency range from AF to 100MHZ. Ferrite core inductors can be used as
It is the fixed value inductors which have a ferrite core placed inside the coil are known as a ferrite core inductor. The air core inductors and iron core inductors have a low inductance value, limited frequency
The basic construction of air core inductor it consist of coils having number of turns of wire wound on a former made of ordinary cardboard. The plastic or ceramics may be used for a former as an
There are some applications of iron core inductors are given below, The iron core inductor is used in filter circuits to smooth out the ripple voltage. It is very much useful in AF application. It is used