Electronics Articles Archive
The difference between carbon composition resistor and wire wound resistor Carbon composition resistor Wire wound resistor Its power rating is from ¼ W to 2W. Its power rating is from 1W to 200W. It can be used
The construction of a wire wound resistor is shown in above figure. It uses a resistance wire, such as nichrome. The wire wound resistor is manufactured by winding a length of resistive wire such as nichrome on
The carbon composition resistor is a type of fixed resistor that reduces or restricts the electric current flow to a certain level. The basic construction of carbon composition resistor is shown in above figure. The resistive material
There are some important applications of carbon composition resistor are given below, The carbon composition resistor is used in DC power supplies. It is used in the power control circuits. It is used in high frequency applications.
The basic construction of wire wound potentiometer is made of nichrome wire wound on a doughnut-shaped core of bracket and enclosed with an insulating coating. A window is left in the insulating cover, which exposes the resistive
The junction field effect transistors (JFET), is a type of field effect transistor (FET). They are three terminal unipolar solid state devices that can be used as voltage controlled resistors or electronically controlled switch. An N-type JFET
The construction diagram of P channel junction field effect transistor (JFET) is shown in above figure. Its construction is similar to the N channel JFET excepts that it consist of a P type silicon bar with two
There are some important applications of junction field effect transistor (JFET) are given below, The junction field effect transistor (JFET) is used as a constant current source. The JFET is used as a buffer amplifier. The JFET
There are some important advantages of junction field effect transistor (JFET) are given below, The junction field effect transistor (JFET) is a majority charge carrier device hence it has less noise. The JFET has high input impedance.
There are some applications of potentiometer are given below: The potentiometer is used as a voltage divider in the electronic circuit. The potentiometer is used in radio and television (TV) receiver for volume control, tone control and