Electronics Articles Archive
The process of turning ON SCR (silicon controlled rectifier) is called as triggering. The various methods of SCR triggering by gate control are given below. Triggering by dc gate signal. Triggering by pulse gate signal. Triggering by
The difference of SCR (silicon controlled rectifier) and DIAC (diode alternating current) are given below, SCR DIAC The SCR stands for silicon controlled rectifier. The DIAC stands for diode alternating current. The SCR is a four layers
There are some advantages of negative feedback amplifier which are given below, The negative feedback reduces noise. It has highly stabilized gain. It can control step response of amplifier. It has less harmonic distortion. It has less amplitude distortion.
The following are the triggering modes of TRIAC (Triode for alternating current). I + mode : The ‘I’ indicates first quadrant operation. The MT2 (main terminal 2) positive with respect to MT1 (main terminal 1). The ‘+’
There are some important applications of LASCR (Light activated silicon control rectifier) which are given below, The light activated silicon control rectifier (LASCR) is used in high voltage and high current applications. The LASCR is used in
The GTO stands for gate turn OFF thyristor. The GTO is a three terminal device. The terminals names are anode, cathode and gate. It can be turned ON by applying a pulse of positive gate current and
There are some applications of gate turn OFF thyristor (GTO) are given below, It is used in high performance drive systems, such as the field oriented control scheme used in rolling mills, robotics and machine tools. It
There are some advantages of gate turn OFF thyristor (GTO) are given below, The gate turn OFF thyristor (GTO) has more di/dt ratings at turn ON. It has faster turn OFF permitting high switching frequencies. The communication
The TRIAC stands for triode for alternating current. It is another thyristor family device which is used extensively for the control of power in A.C. circuits. The TRIAC is bidirectional device and when in operation, it is
There are some advantages of TRIAC which are given below, The TRIAC need single fuse for protection. It can be triggered with positive or negative polarities of gate pulses. A safe breakdown in either direction is possible