Electronics Articles Archive
The bimetallic thermometers are made up of bimetallic strips formed by joining two different metals having different thermal expansion coefficients. Basically, bimetallic strip is a mechanical element which can sense temperature and transform it into a mechanical
A solar cell is also known as photovoltaic cell. The Solar cell is an electrical device that converts the energy of light directly into electricity by the photovoltaic effect which is a physical and chemical phenomenon. It is a form of photoelectric cell, defined as a device whose electrical
The Gunn diode does not contain a PN diode junction. A Gunn diode is also called as a TED (transferred electron device). The Gunn diode or transferred electron device (TED) can be termed a diode because it does have
The behavior of such a system, where as the input varies from instant to instant, the output also varies is known as dynamic response of the systems. Hence, the dynamic behavior of the system is also important
There are some advantages of rotameter which are given below. The cost of rotameter is low. It provides linear scale. It has good accuracy for low and medium flow rates. The pressure loss is nearly constant and
Hygrometer is an instrument used for measuring the value of humidity. It is also known as psychrometer. Generally, the output of hygrometer is used to indicate relative humidity. Several material exhibit changes in electrical properties that are
The rota meter is mostly used form of variable area flow meter which consist of vertical tapered tube with a float which is free to move up or down within the tube. Working: When there is no
The variable area flow meters are the most cost effective solution for almost all applications involving the measurement of industrial process liquids, gases or steam. ABB´s variable area flow meters are reliable, flexible and simple. The rota
The u tube monometer consists of glass tube in u shape and partially filled with a liquid. Water and mercury are used because of their known specific weights for various temperatures. Also they do not stick to
There are some advantages of electromagnetic flow meter which are given below, The electromagnetic flow meter provides rapid response to flow changes. It provides linear wide range. Measuring range setting can be optimized. It has ability to