Civil Engineering Archive
Different methods of disposal of refuse

The disposal of refuse can be done by various methods, following are the common methods of refuse disposal By dumping into the sea By incineration By sanitary landfilling By composting By ploughing in fields By hog feeding
Methods of solids waste

There are various methods of collection of solids waste House to house collection Refuse generated and stored in the individual household is removed initially by the owner or employee and later by municipal staff, Storage bin system
What is solids waste

The word waste refers to useless unwanted or discarded materials which are no longer considered of sufficient value and are thrown away by the processor. The waste in the solids semisolids forms are called solids wasters or
Difference between the load bearing structure and framed structure

Aspect Load bearing structure Framed structure Soil condition It is constructed on hard strata available at shallow depth. It can be constructed on any type of soil. e.g. black cotton soil, reclaimed soil, soft soil. Height Height
Aspects of wastewater management

There are three constituents and interrelated aspects of wastewater management Collection Disposal \ re-use Treatment Collection Collection of domestic and industrial wastewater is best achieved by fully developed sewerage or water carriage system. The planning and design of
What purpose generally water is required in a town or city

While designing the water supply schemes of the town. It is necessary to determine the total year demand as well as monthly demand variation in the demand rates. Following are the various types of water demand of
Standards of water used for domestic purposes

The following are the standards of water to be used for domestic purposes. Standards of water quality The following are the standard of water to be used for domestic purposes: Physical Temperature – 100 to 15.60C Odour
What are the sources for water supply schemes

The source from which water is available for supply schemes can conveniently be classified into the following two categories according to their proximity to the ground surface. Surface sources Underground sources Wells A well is defined as
Unground sources

Following are the four in which undergrounded sources are found Infiltration galleries Springs Wells Infiltration galleries An infiltration gallery is a horizontal or nearly horizontal tunnel which is constructed through water-bearing strata. It is sometimes referred to
Types of surface sources

In this type of sources, the surface runoff is available for water supply schemes. The usual forms of the surface are as follows Lakes and streams Pounds Rivers Storage reservoirs Lakes and streams A natural lake represents