Civil Engineering Archive
Uses of standard section

Angle sections Angle section may be of equal legs or unequal legs. They are used in bridges trusses and general structural steelwork. Chanel section These are used for columns, trusses, roof purlins, composite beams, and girders. I-sections
What are structural glazing?

Nowadays in structural glazing; the glass cladding works is preferably adopted in building construction since it fulfills the variations functional requirements of building such as lighting heat retention etc. with visual impact creation. Structural glazing systems, in
What is framed structure

In the frame, structure load is transferred through a frame of the slab, beam, column, and footing to the underlying soil. All the loads on the floor, as well as those of walls, are supported by beams.
What is composite structure?

It is the combination of load bearing and framed structured so that advantages of both types can be enjoyed. In this type, external walls are load bearing type and internal supports are in the form of a
Properties of the good building stone

There are Properties of the good building stone The stones must be strong against crushing. The crushing strength should be greater than 100 N\mm2 The stones should have uniform color and decent appearance. Stones should be durable.
Physical properties of cement

The important physical properties of cement are: The color should be grey greenish and of should be uniform. When touched, cement should feel uniform and cool. It should be free from lumps. Cement when thrown into a
Classification of stones

They may be classified in the following four ways. Stones are classified as per the classification if their parent rocks. Geological classification: Igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rocks. Physical classification: Stratified rocks, unstratified rocks laminated rocks. Chemical
Classification of bricks

Types of bricks Traditional bricks Modular bricks Traditional bricks Traditional bricks are those which have not been standardized in the side. The dimension of traditional bricks varies from place to place. Their length varies from 20 to
Characteristic of good bricks

Bricks should be well – burnt, copper colored. They should be free from crack, fissures, stones etc. Bricks should have perfect edges, required shape and standard size 19 × 9 × 9cm. Bricks should be sufficiently hard
Types of cement

The various types of cement available in the market can be classified as follows: Portland cement Ordinary Portland cement Rapid hardening cement Low heat Portland cement Quick setting cement Sulphate resisting cement Blast furnace slay cement White