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There are some important application of controller area network (CAN) bus given below, The controller area network (CAN) is used for transmission airbags, antilock braking,electric power steering etc. It is used in audio video systems. The controller
There are some important advantages of controller area network (CAN) bus are given below, It support multi master and multicast features. The CAN bus has maximum length of 40 meters. The CAN provides the ability to work
LCD LED The LCD stands for Liquid crystal display. The LED stands for light emitting diodes. The liquid crystal display (LCD) can be extremely slim. The light emitting diodes (LED) cannot be extremely slim. It has more
There are some important application of digital storage oscilloscope (DSO) are given below, The DSO is used to give the visual representation for a target of radar such as aeroplane, ship etc. The DSO can be used
The characteristics of embedded system are measurable features during the implementation of system. Power consumption : This is a very important factor for all embedded system which are powered by batteries. So the amount of power will
There are some important applications of liquid crystal display (LCD) which are given below, The liquid crystal displays (LCDs) are used in aircraft cockpit displays. It is used as a display screen in calculators. For displaying images
The embedded systems are a microprocessor or microcontroller based system which is designed to perform one or more dedicated functions with real time computing constraints. In another word, the embedded system is device or machine used to
The analog to digital converter (ADC) is a device that converts a continuous quantity to a discrete time digital representation. It also provides isolated measurements. This is an electronic device which converts an input analog current or
There are some important advantages of embedded systems are given below, The embedded system is easy for mass production. The embedded system is highly reliable. It has very few interconnections. The embedded system is small in size.
We can classify embedded systems into different categories w.r.t. size and real time requirement as given below, Small scale embedded system Medium scale embedded systems Sophisticated embedded system Real time embedded system Stand alone embedded system Mobile