Classifications of traffic sign
Traffic signs
The device in the form symbol and inscriptions mounted on a fixed or portable support provided on roads to give information, warning or guidance to the road users are as traffic signs.
The object of road signs-
- To control the traffic
- To provide safety to the traffic
- To expedite the traffic
- To guide the traffic
Classification of road signs
As per IRC: 67- 1977 code of practice, road signs.
- To control the traffic
- To provide safety to the traffic
- To expedite the traffic
- To guide the traffic
- Mandatory or regulatory sign
The road signs used to inform road users of certain laws and – regulation to provide safety and the free flow of traffic and violation of which is a legal offence, are called mandatory sigh.
There road signs include all such sign which as given notice of special obligations prohibitions or restrictions with which the signs are of the following types:
‘Give way’ and stop sign,
For example:
- Give way
- Stop
Prohibitory sinner, for example
- All motor vehicles prohibited
- Bullock cart and handcart prohibited
- Cycle prohibited
- Handcraft prohibited
- Horn prohibited
- One way
- Overtaking prohibited
- Pedestrian prohibited
- Right turn or left turn prohibited
- Straight prohibited or NO entry
- Truck prohibited
- U-turn prohibited
- Vehicles prohibited in both directions
Speed limit and vehicle control signs, for example
- Axle load limit
- Height limit
- Length limit
- Load limit
- Speed limit
- Width limit
No parking and NO stopping sign, for example
- No parking
- NO stopping or standing
Restriction ends, for example
- Restriction ends
Compulsory direction control and other sign for example
- Compulsory Ahed only
- Compulsory Ahead or turn left
- Compulsory Ahed turn or turn left
- Compulsory cycle track
- Compulsory keep left
- Compulsory turn left or right
- Compulsory sound horn
Cautionary or warning signs
The road signs used to warn road users of the existence of certain hazardous conditions either on or adjacent to the roadway are called cautionary or warning signs.
These road signs include all signs which give notice of certain hazardous conditions either on or adjacent to the roadway so that the drivers become caution and take the desired action. Cautionary or warning signs are of the following type:
- Barrier Ahead
- Cattle
- Crossroads
- Cycle crossing
- Dangerous Dip
- Falling rocks
- Ferry
- Gap in medium
- Guarded railway crossing
- Unguarded railway crossing
- Hump or rough road
- Loose Gravel
- Major road Ahead
- Men at work
- Narrow bridge
- Narrow Road Ahead
- Pedestrian crossing
- Right or left hairpin bend
- Right or left reverse bend
- Round widens Ahead
- Roundabout
- School
- Side road
- Slippery road
- Staggered intersection
- Steep Ascent or decent
- T-intersection
- Y-intersection
Information signs
The road sign used to guide road users along the route, inform them about destination and distance and provide other information so as to make the road travel easier, safe and pleasant are called informatory signs. These roads also include all such signs which guide road users to identify points of geographical and historical interest.
Information sign are of the following types
Direction and place identification signs
- Advance direction
- Destination
- Direction
- Place identification
- Reassurance
Facility information signs
- Eating place
- First Aid post
- Hospital
- Light refreshment
- Petrol pump
- Public- telephone
- Resting place
Other useful information signs
- NO through road
- NO through a side road
Parking signs
- Auto rickshaw stand
- Cycle stand
- Cycle rick Shaw stand
- Park this side
- Parking both sides
- Scooter and motors cycle stand
- Taxi stand
Flood gauge